All posts by Sylvain Bujold

An Accès Condos project on the site of the Bassins du Nouveau-Havre in 2018-2019

In February 2017, the Ville de Montréal authorized the construction of a mixed housing project on the Bassins du Nouveau-Havre site (Sud-Ouest borough), which includes a building of 78 Accès Condos accredited units.

Designed for families with a majority of units offering 2 and 3 bedrooms, the building will have 65 underground parking spaces and a large storage area for bicycles. It will also feature a common central courtyard with green spaces.

Sales are scheduled to begin in winter 2017–2018 and delivery of the units at the beginning of 2019. (PLEASE NOTE THAT SINCE PUBLISHING THIS NEWS, THE PROJECT LAUNCH HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL THE FALL OF 2018) Interested persons are invited to subscribe to the Accès Condos Newsletter in order to be kept informed of the evolution of the project and the opening of the sales office.

Considering the strong demand in the Griffintown sector where increasing property values restrict homeownership, the SHDM plans to put in place specific criteria for this project in order to favour families as well as first-time buyers. Specific terms and conditions will be announced prior to the opening of the sales office.

Those interested in community rental projects are invited to contact Bâtir son quartier.

BORO, a landmark achievement for Pierrefonds-Roxboro

The magazine Life in Pierrefonds-Roxboro, published four times a year, mentions, in its latest edition, the BORO condos and stacked townhouses project, among the major achievements of the Pierrefonds-Roxboro borough in 2016. It is indeed the first Accès Condos accredited project in this borough.

The opening of the sales office of the BORO project took place at the end of November 2016 and construction continues to progress since. The units are scheduled to be delivered in the fall of 2017.

Consult the magazine online and discover this borough and its quality of life!

The benefits of buying a new condo!

Once you decide to buy a home, there are a lot of things to consider. What neighbourhood do I want to live in? Should I buy a condo or a house? What can I afford? Is there parking? And most buyers inevitably come to the question: should I buy new or renovate an older property? If you think about it, there are so many advantages to buying new! Here are just a few:

Stay within your budget
It’s hard to estimate exactly how much renovations will cost. There are always unexpected costs and sometimes even be nasty surprises. If you’re a first-time buyer or don’t know much about the process, buying a new condo can help you stick to your budget and enjoy peace of mind. You’ll know exactly how much it will cost. The Accès Condos sales team is here to help you estimate all your expenses, including municipal and school taxes, condo fees, and notary fees, so you can maximize your savings and take advantage of programs available to you such as financial aid from Ville de Montréal. Plus, by buying new, you sidestep energy-consuming renovations and can instead spend time with your family, enjoy your hobbies, and just live your life!

Peace of mind
As with any new condo purchase, when you buy an accredited Accès Condos unit, you’ll get a warranty plan similar to those offered by GCR (Garantie de construction résidentielle), APCHQ (Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec), or ACQ (Association de la construction du Québec). You’ll also be covered by a plan to ensure your contractor is meeting all the legal and contractual terms and conditions. And with a new condo, you can be sure you’re living in a home that meets all the latest fire safety standards.

Two new accredited Accès Condos projects in Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

The Accès Condos team is proud to announce the accreditation of two new projects in the Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve’s boroughs. Please don’t rush to your phone as our sales offices are not yet opened! To be sure to be informed when they do open, please subscribe to our newsletter.

“The SHDM has been helping Montrealers become homeowners for ten years through the Accès Condos program, which helps households purchase homes without relying on any public funds or subsidies” underlines SHDM general manager Nancy Shoiry. “We are launching these two residential projects and pursuing development plans for other projects that are on the table for 2017 and 2018, while staying the course with innovative measures designed to meet community needs.”

A project for families in Pierrefonds-Roxboro
Accès Condos’s first-ever project in the Pierrefonds-Roxboro borough is located at 10438 boulevard Gouin Ouest and 3e Avenue. The project comprises 26 units, 19 of which will have three bedrooms. This family-oriented project will help meet the needs of an area where 19% of the population is 14 years old or under, compared to an average of 15% for the city as a whole. The sales office is scheduled to open in November 2016, with construction slated for completion in fall 2017.

The phases 5 and 6 of Faubourg Contrecœur
Phases 5 and 6, the final phases of the Accès Condos development at Faubourg Contrecœur, are due to come on stream between 2016 and 2018. Located respectively on the north and south sides of rue Myra-Cree, the two buildings, one with 6 stories and the other with 7, will house up to 170 units, at least 25% of which will have three bedrooms. The project reflects the neighbourhood’s family-oriented demographic profile, which has grown more pronounced since the opening of Parc Carlos d’Alcantara and the announcement of a new commercial hub at Sherbrooke and de Contrecœur. The sales office for phase 5 should open in early 2017, with work slated for completion by spring 2018.

The Accès Condos program: ten years of success
The Accés-Condo program introduced in 2005 by SHDM has proved its effectiveness! More than 3,600 affordable quality units have been certified in some 10 boroughs through agreements with developers. That corresponds to more than 3,600 Montréal households that have taken advantage of our financial tool to acquire their own homes. This innovative formula encourages homeownership through a 10% purchase credit for home buyers. It also gives families space to grow, since 30% of certified units have three bedrooms or more.

You are currently navigating in our new website which we launched in honour of our 10th anniversary and to be sure to start off our new projects in style!

The journey of a family, from the Mile End to Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

Elizabeth Murphy-Lavallée now lives in Montréal, in the Faubourg Contrecoeur neighbourhood in the east sector of the city. But initially she was a girl from the suburbs. She shares in this article her experience as a property owner in Montréal and her life choices.

“When we heard about the Accès Condos financial tool, my spouse and I did not yet have children and we were still in college. We lived in the Mile End neighbourhood, which we liked, but we did not have the money for the down payment needed to buy a property.

The SHDM-run home ownership program seemed to meet our needs perfectly. So we took the plunge by purchasing our first property in the development that was repurposing the former Biscuiterie Viau, an accredited Accès Condos project. Though we thought that we could not live away from the Mile End, this new project turned out to be love-at-first-sight for us. In addition, we also received a $6,000 grant from the Ville de Montréal because we were first-time buyers. Furthermore, the quality of the architecture, the industrial character of the project, the price and the conditions of purchase were the winning arguments to convince us to move away from the Mile End.


From the beginning, we saw this purchase as a springboard that would enable us later on to move into something bigger. And indeed, this first home purchase enabled us to buy, a few years later, a property to accommodate our two daughters. When we sold our condo, the area had evolved for the best. Several shops had opened and many private condos were built in close proximity to La Biscuiterie. Neighbourhood life was increasingly more interesting. The capital gain we made on the resale, four years after purchasing the condo, enabled us to have the necessary down payment that opened the door to a wide choice of properties.

Today we live in the Faubourg Contrecoeur, also in the Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough and we love this neighbourhood. The Accès Condos accredited urban houses were not built at the time of our second purchase, which is why we opted for a townhouse offered in the same development.


My husband works 10 minutes from here and I, in downtown Montréal. Having had the experience of being raised on the South Shore while attending school in Montréal starting at the primary level, it was important for me to reduce commuting time. By living here, the time we spend on commuting is minimal. Our oldest daughter attends the local school, which she loves, and our youngest is in a childcare centre located nearby. We value the social and cultural diversity of the neighbourhood, but also its tranquility and family character. We also love the accessibility offered by this location. For example, highways 25 and 40 allow us to quickly get out of Montréal, to visit the grandparents or go to the cottage.

When we arrived at the Faubourg Contrecoeur, we were among the first buyers and our street wasn’t even paved! Today, we feel a real sense of community. People are proud to live here. Our children and their friends attend the same schools or daycare, meet at the park. It is a beautiful quality of life!

If one day, I move away from here, it will be to be in the woods, the real countryside, but it will not be an in-between. The little time we devote to commuting seems to be too big an advantage to lose if we decided to leave Montréal while continuing to work here.”

Why rent a student apartment when buying makes more sense?

Whether you are the parents or grandparents of young adults who are about to start their post-secondary education in Montréal, acquiring a property is an option to seriously consider.

Indeed, Montréal is unquestionably Québec’s metropolis and an economic hub. It is also a major university center in the country. The many famous universities (Université de Montréal, McGill, Concordia, Université du Québec à Montréal) and specialized schools, such as the École de technologie supérieure, École Polytechnique or the HEC business school are undeniable assets and attract many young people to the Montréal area.

When their family home is located off the island or outside the urban area, several options are considered: Make the long commute each day by public transport or cover the costs of the purchase and maintenance of a vehicle, rent an apartment, alone or with roommates, or opt for a student residence. The opportunity to acquire a property in Montréal is rarely considered. Yet, those who have chosen this avenue are still reaping the financial benefits. So, why not help your youngster to build equity?

In a recent article in Les Affaires newspaper, a financial adviser presented the case of a client. Buying a condo to help her daughter in her early twenties had allowed her, four years later, to sell the condo with an important added value and thus have the necessary down payment to afford a house. If you plan to help your child with lodging expenses while he or she is studying, or if you are paying for your education with a student job, buying rather than renting could be beneficial.

The SHDM Accès Condos program is particularly interesting in this case because a down payment of only $1,000 is required. Whether you are first time buyer or already own a home, you are eligible. Browse our list of ongoing or future projects and evaluate this option seriously. You won’t regret it!

Artistic event at La Fabrique 125: Chabanel en lumière brings light and warmth to hundreds of people!

At the invitation of the SHDM and the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough, hundreds of people bystanders, residents and stakeholders in the economic, cultural and social life of the Chabanel district, gathered around La Fabrique 125 to enjoy a beautiful winter evening and experience the thrill of an ephemeral artistic creation combining sound and lights. Using as a backdrop this former factory in the fashion district, which was revamped by Huma Design + Architecture, passersby became creators in this interactive show by playing on a heated keyboard whose notes were guiding light beams. Young and old could thus unleash their creativity while enjoying a hot chocolate and winter dishes prepared by the street food truck La Boîte à fromages.

Taking advantage of the extraordinary canvas offered by the La Fabrique 125 building, the Atomic3 firm had designed an interactive light installation to highlight the ingenious combination of industrial heritage and contemporary design that characterizes it so well. The musician, Alexandre Racine, superbly entertained the crowd with a most appropriate repertoire of classical, pop and jazz pieces.

To view the event’s pictures, visit

Regarding La Fabrique 125
Built in a former industrial building in the fashion district, the beautiful New York-inspired lofts of La Fabrique 125 now welcome a whole new generation of young professionals and entrepreneurs who help boost a neighborhood already bubbling with activity.
Developed by Groupe Dayan and designed especially by the firm Humà Design + architecture, the La Fabrique 125 building has won several awards for its bold design including a special award in the “signage and branding ” category as part of the Grands prix du design 2013 for its interior and exterior graphic concept, an award of excellence in the category “environmental typography” in the Communication Arts Competition 2014 and an honorable mention from ASIA Pacific interior Design Awards, at the presentation of the 2015 Grand Prix du design awards . La Fabrique 125 also has its Accès Condos accreditation.

Photo credit: Sylvie Trépanier

(In French only) – La Fabrique 125 deux fois récompensée pour son concept de design urbain

(In French only)

Projet résidentiel abordable accrédité Accès Condos par la SHDM, La Fabrique 125 vient de recevoir deux distinctions soulignant ce que la créativité permet d’accomplir quand l’héritage industriel rencontre le design urbain. Au Québec, la firme Humà Design + architecture obtient un prix spécial « signalisation et branding des lieux » dans le cadre des Grands prix du design 2013 pour son concept graphique intérieur et extérieur, alors qu’aux États-Unis le projet a remporté le prix d’excellence dans la catégorie « typographie environnementale » au concours Communication Arts Competition 2014.

Cette ancienne usine textile du quartier Chabanel a été entièrement rénovée pour accueillir 192 lofts de style New-Yorkais, parfaits pour celles et ceux qui cherchent à habiter dans un environnement créatif et stimulant, à proximité de tous les services et à quelques minutes du métro.

Johanne Goulet, directrice générale de la Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal (SHDM), qui gère le programme Accès Condos, déclare : « Le design fait partie des éléments clés qui permettent aux projets accrédités par la SHDM de se distinguer et de participer à une offre de qualité. Les prix reçus soulignent la volonté de la SHDM, du promoteur 125 Chabanel Holdings inc. (Groupe Dayan) et de la firme montréalaise Humà Design + Architecture de rassembler talent, créativité et innovation pour réaliser un projet qui soit à la fois de qualité et abordable. Le projet La Fabrique 125 est une source de grande fierté et illustre la vision de la SHDM pour une revitalisation des quartiers qui favorise la mixité sociale et qui contribue à une offre accessible pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent demeurer à Montréal ».

Stéphanie Cardinal, présidente de Humà Design + architecture, ajoute : « Inspirés par l’héritage industriel de cet immeuble ancré au cœur du quartier Chabanel et de l’histoire de la mode montréalaise, nous avons cherché à créer une communauté résidentielle résolument urbaine et créative. À l’extérieur, le parement briqueté de blanc a été métamorphosé par une dentelle de chiffres noirs et gris, l’habillant d’une signature artistique. À l’intérieur, les attributs historiques de l’ancienne usine textile sont rappelés par des éléments graphiques évoquant des ouvrages traditionnellement dits ’’de dames’’ pour constituer un branding innovateur qui donne un pouvoir manifeste à l’ensemble. Nous sommes heureux qu’une institution comme la SHDM et un promoteur comme le Groupe Dayan aient l’audace d’innover et d’intégrer le design dans des projets d’habitation abordable et qu’ils nous aient donné l’occasion de démontrer comment la créativité peut contribuer à la valorisation d’un projet ».

Pour plus d’information sur les prix, veuillez visiter le site des Grands Prix du Design ainsi que celui de Communication Arts Competition au

À propos de la Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal (SHDM) –
La SHDM contribue au développement économique, social et culturel du territoire montréalais par la réalisation d’interventions immobilières structurantes. Acteur privilégié de la Ville de Montréal dans le développement de l’habitation et de son territoire, la SHDM contribue à augmenter l’offre d’espaces de vie et de travail abordables tout en suscitant un effet d’entraînement sur la vitalité des quartiers. En plus de gérer le programme d’accession à la propriété Accès Condos, la SHDM est propriétaire de plus de 4700 logements abordables et de 309 unités au sein d’une quinzaine de maisons de chambres. Enfin, elle assure la gestion immobilière de sept immeubles commerciaux.

À propos de Humà Design + architecture –
Fondée en 1999, HYLO design et architecture devient HUMÀ design et architecture en 2006. Composée d’une équipe de créateurs, de designers, de concepteurs et de spécialistes en branding, graphisme et design urbain, HUMÀ est une firme diversifiée, dynamique et aux multiples talents qui préconise une approche humaine, novatrice et de qualité.

Accès Condos, an effective tool for acquiring a property in Montreal

The Accès Condos program, launched in 2005, has already enabled more than 3,600 households to acquire an affordable, quality home in Montréal. Of these, 90% were new homeowners, and 34% were families.

A relevant program for those wanting to buy in Montréal and build equity

Accès Condos is a financial tool for buyers which offers them a 10% purchase credit. This allows them to reduce their down payment to $1,000, as well as lowering their mortgage loan at their financial institution. It specifically aims at affordable quality homes in Montréal accredited by the SHDM.

The program is structured to answer the needs of those wishing to acquire a home within their means in Montréal, and benefit from its exceptional quality of life, advantages, and amenities.

With parametersthat reduce risks, the program is available to all, so long as the buyers live in the unit they purchase –which limits speculation. The program also limits the debt risks of households, since it doesn’t allow buyers to have a debt that exceeds the purchase price of their unit. Nor can they refinance their loan in the event of an increase in the market value of their condominium. The SHDM does not guarantee mortgage loans; buyers of an SHDM accredited unit must meet the insured mortgage loan requirements of the CMHC or Genworth.

Quality projects that contribute to neighborhood revitalization and to Montreal’s growth

Providing accreditation to targeted projects in areas with unexploited potential, Accès Condos contributes to revitalize Montréal’s neighborhoods by creating dynamic living environments and ensuring a balanced social mix that is stimulating and beneficial for the entire community.

By offering affordable alternatives to people wanting to live closer to their workplace or to an efficient public transportation system, Accès Condos helps limit the exodus of families to the suburbs.

This program is financed by the SHDM, a non-profit, financially autonomous organization. Although SHDM receives no financial contributions from the Ville de Montréal, it remains a valuable partner for responsible real estate entrepreneurs seeking to contribute to Montréal’s social and economic development.